
Friday, January 03, 2014

Best ways To Market Your Product in 2014.

               by Michele PW Pariza Wacek you sit down to plan your 2014 marketing calendar, you may be wondering where you should be focusing your marketing efforts to get the biggest bang for your buck.

Well, let me share with you the (currently) 4 HOT “parties” you most definitely want to dress up in your sexiest little number and be seen at!

(Note -- like a lot of "In" things, these parties could definitely change to "not-so-hot" overnight. However, even if that happens, you'll still be able to reap the benefits now; plus, what you create to take advantage of these platforms could be tweaked and reused for the next new hot party.)

1. Facebook. Unless your business caters to teenagers (who now prefer Twitter) Facebook is the place to be. And Facebook ads are also quite hot right now, so it’s not only about having a presence on Facebook - it’s also about investing in Facebook ads. This could prove to be a very smart business decision.

If this intrigues you, the first thing you need to do is get a Facebook business page up and running. It's a lot cheaper to send ads to your Facebook business page, and from your business page you send people to your opt in page or website.

But ads aren't the only way to go. Make sure you're also on Facebook and engaging with your ideal clients on a personal and professional level.

2 Amazon/Kindle.. Kindle is really hot right now. Millions of people are on Kindle every day searching for information, but that's not even the best part. These are actual BUYERS -- they're not searching for free things. They're looking to purchase a Kindle book to solve what's keeping them up at night.

Another fact is people who buy and read books are also more likely to buy higher-priced products and programs. While it's true if you publish a book, it's a great deal of work to sell it (especially when you consider the very small profit margins) if you have a strong back end of higher-priced products, programs and services, taking the time to write and promote your book can be a huge win-win for you.

3. iTunes. Long time ago, podcasts were hot. Then they weren't anymore. But even when the "podcasts are dead" belief was at its highest, I kept running into folks who loved their podcasts and listened to them religiously, so I thought maybe it depended on the market. But now we're full circle and podcasts are hot again.

Podcasts are hot because iTunes is hot. Supposedly, there are a billion accounts on iTunes that have a credit card attached to them. And the reason iTunes has a whole bunch of accounts is because they give people what they want -- the ability to buy one song at a time, the ability to download podcasts so you can listen to them when you're driving, when you're exercising, etc.

Even though only a small portion of the population are true auditory learners (15 percent) people love the convenience of audio. You can listen and do other things, and that's what people love about it.

You can also use iTunes to promote videos and digital content (and who knows, Amazon may follow suit and offer podcasts as well one of these days). Plus, both iTunes and Amazon have programs to help promote your books and podcasts.

4. Video. Video hasn't lost its sex appeal yet! I think a big part is people feel like they know you faster when they see you on video (and your ideal prospects need to feel like they know, like and trust you before they become your buyers). Listening to you on audio also speeds up the getting to know you vibe (again, another reason to consider podcasts -- especially since you don't have to worry about hair and makeup!)
Video is also versatile -- you can use video on Facebook, in blogs, to help people find you on the search engines, on your site, as part of your sales funnel, etc. And if you do a Google Hangout, that turns into a video.

Now, before you decide you need to do ALL of these in 2014 (especially if you don't have a team to support you) -- take a deep breath. The point of this article isn't to make you spin around in circles or feel guilty you can't be at all 4 hot parties at once, but instead, it's to give you choices.

I want you to decide which one -- and I do mean ONE -- feels the best to you. Which one appeals to you more? Do you love the social networking aspect of Facebook? Getting on a mic and gabbing for an hour? Writing short Kindle books? Getting all gussied up and connecting on camera?

Whichever one it is, start with that one. THEN you can move to mastering the others. The only exception is videos (and maybe Facebook ads), where you may want to use videos to support any of the other 3 platforms (but this isn't about you mastering video, it's about you using a few videos to support what you're doing first.)

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