
Disclaimer is a blog owned by Kayode Oluropo. It is created to develop my skills and knowledge in website design, render quality service like tutorial and  tips and information disceminations. Therefore, I strongly assure you readers that any information found within this site are to the best of my knowledge true. As they were put down from the source of my own opinions based on personal acquired ideas or from friends and relations as well as internet.

I hereby expressly convey to this site's visitors (readers) that this my personal opinions are not in any means meant to mislead, injure, harm, deceive, purge, humiliate or/and defame anybody who may decided to make use of or act upon the information and ideas got from this site.

Meanwhile, there is no doubt that the contents on this site may not perfect to everyone. Therefore, please contact me through the contact form or directly to my e-mail address should you found or identify any content as harmful, malicious or unnecessary and want it removed.

However, though the information/content on this web pages are said to be true and accurate, I am not responsible for any loss or damages suffered from the use of these contents as it is not compulsory and you hold in full percentage the choice to use, belief or apply those ideas or information therein.
 Similarly, this site entertain response from users as these help us to relate with each other and to serve you better. Please, note that any comment dropped on this site by non-author or external users are the sole responsibility of such person. Therefore, I the owner/author of this site can not be held responsible. 

In addition, I strictly reserve the right to edit, suspend or delete any content or section of this site as necessary and this may be with or without notice.
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