
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Oil And Gas Investment Opportunities

                               Oil And Gas Investment Opportunities

MPG Petroleum, Inc.
MPG Petroleum, Inc. is a privately held corporation that generates and develops drilling projects in search of domestic oil and gas reserves. Joint Venture participation is made available to oil and gas firms and qualified individual investors.

Through its core of seasoned staff, consultants and academic colleagues, MPG Petroleum, Inc. generates oil and gas drilling ventures with the highest degree of skill, utilizing the best geophysical interpretive technology available. 

MPG Petroleum, Inc. is working in collaboration with the “Bureau of Economic Geology”, through its STARR Project (State of Texas Advanced Resource Recovery). The Bureau of Economic Geology, is arguably, one of the most highly regarded, oil and gas exploration facilities in the world and is an arm of the Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, at Austin.

Mission Statement:
“Fueling the Future" is our mission because MPG Petroleum, Inc. recognizes that it is absolutely imperative that dependence on foreign oil imports be minimized to the greatest extent possible. This can only be accomplished through exploration, drilling and production of domestic oil and gas reserves.

Why Should You Be Concerned?
The current oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico looms heavily on many people’s minds.  But its impact may be farther reaching than the environmental impact alone. Due to the oil spill, restrictions to obtaining drilling permits and tighter regulatory processes will drive the major oil companies away from drilling in the U.S. offshore waters.  Many of them will move their focus to international exploration venues where environmental regulation is minimal.   This will significantly impact the exploration and development of domestic oil and gas reserves.

The United States currently imports about 70% of the crude oil it consumes.  The balance is produced domestically, with approximately 25% coming from offshore production, mostly within the northern Gulf of Mexico.  Only 5% of domestic production comes from land-based oil production. This is the area that needs to be addressed and can be increased through out-of-the-box, entrepreneurial creativity applied to land-based, oil and gas prospect development and drilling.  The United States consumes approximately 20 million barrels of oil per day.  Certainly, conservation and the development of renewable resources are very important. But even under the best case scenario, the amount of energy derived from these endeavors will contribute only 10 – 15 % of the U.S. daily energy consumption, in the foreseeable future.
Terrorism is a constant threat to access to Middle Eastern oil resources. Any disruption of shipments could very quickly put the world economy in a tailspin. This is why the U.S. spends such a large portion of its revenue, trying to keep peace in this area of the world.  At the same time, competition for imports of OPEC oil by China, with its booming economy and enormous wealth places them in a position to be able and willing to pay the going price. This is a key factor driving the price of crude oil.

In summary, the United States’ economy and its strategic security is at risk.  We, as a nation must recognize these risks and do whatever is necessary to minimize them. It is the highest calling of the oil and gas industry to explore for and develop domestic oil and gas reserves as efficiently and safely as possible.  It is the responsibility of the U.S. government to make sure we have the political environment and capital incentives to accomplish these objectives.

MPG endeavors to do its part, by developing oil and gas exploratory prospects such as our “Pearl Prospect”.  The Pearl Prospect is a look-a-like to some of the giant oil and gas fields which have been discovered in the ultra-deep waters in the Gulf of Mexico.  But it is unique, in that it is located onshore.  The Pearl Prospect presents the opportunity to discover ‘offshore sized reserves at onshore finding cost’.
Oil and gas investments are and should be considered a high-risk investment area. However, under the current world market circumstances of ever increasing demand and threatened OPEC sources, it is probable that oil prices will continue to increase going forward. As such, it may be wise to consider that a part of your investment strategy should be applied to oil and gas.

Please make use the Glossary of Oil and Gas Terms and the Fundamentals of Drilling and Completion tutorial which can be accessed from the buttons at the top of page to learn more about oil and gas.
Oil and gas drives the world now and for many generations to come.

Thank you very much for your time spent in review of our website and prospect opportunities.

Article source:MPG Inc.

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