
Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Factors That Determine Success.

 The success race in life is a journey which every individuals will partake. However, the position which one can find him/her self is determined by how serious and hardworking such a person embark on the journey. Some people get tired where he or she need to add little efforts to his or her previous one while they got overtaken by the more serious-minded ones. Let us take a look at some reason why some people are not successful.

 1.   Opportunities: Life is all about getting opportunities. To be a successful one there is need to get opportunities. If you are a university graduate, you need a place to practice your profession that will earn you good income. Even if you want to start a business you need an opportunity of getting enough capital and the exact Business ideas. Connections at-times bring about much wealth. Permit me to say your level of success can be determined by how connected are you. People with high connection get the latest chance to be  wealthy.

2. Getting Definition of Success:
Some people may never be successful because they have the wrong idea of what success is. Some people feel like success is measured by money or materialistic things. Some people don't realize that they are already successful. For example, if they are living, if they have their health, if they have a family they love and adore, if they have food in the refrigerator, then they are already successful, and the list goes on and on. When we focus on the things in our lives that are priceless, that is true success. Now there is nothing wrong with wanting things, but it is important to remember that things don't equal success.

3. Background:  People from a poor background find it difficult to be successful than people that are born with a silver spoon. They are less privileged and less opportuned. Their chance to succeed is very narrow and it only take strong focus and hard working to get there.

4. Education: Education has been a strong and mostly used weapon to succeed in life. At-times one's level of education determine his or her success. It also help to get to a top level of the ladder. For instance, a person that started working with a master degree will earn much more higher than a person that started with Primary six or no certificate. Remember the higher you earn, the wealthier you you become.

5.  Believing In Oneself:
To many people success simply means being better than they were 5 years ago or 10 years ago. But some people don't believe that they deserve better, or they don't feel like a better life can happen for them. One of the greatest levels of success that I have ever achieved was when I started believing in myself. That brought me inner peace, happiness, and joy. When you believe in yourself it opens the door for success to flow into your life.

 6. Thinking Positively:
Before any level of success shows up in our lives, it has to be present in our minds first. We have to think successful thoughts. We can't think thoughts that are not in alignment with what we want to achieve. Whatever we continue to think about will manifest in our lives. Successful thinkers are successful. Non-successful thinkers are blocking their success path. And it is extremely hard to manifest success when the access portal is clogged up.

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