Also known as a business coach, these professionals have one job: helping you come up with a strategy for achieving your business objectives and providing executive coaching services to help you carry the strategy to completion. If you're a business executive or owner, you might be thinking to yourself, "I can create a plan and execute it." However, you also need to ask yourself why so many successful companies and executives hire an executive business consultant. Let's take a look at some of the reasons.
For many business owners, their core competency may not be in the business or marketing side. They started the business because they had an idea of a great product or service that they could deliver. You're a quality contractor, an excellent lawyer, a brilliant doctor or a talented IT consultant and your training, skills and gifts are in your field of study. However, typical technical training does not include training in marketing services and it certainly does not train one on running a business. To develop strategic business development plans that are effective, new business owners hire a business coach to help them attract steady flow of new customers and clients faster and easier.
A strategy execution consultant will help you achieve your business goals easier and faster. The fact is that when you are working hard in managing your business, it is not easy to see the entire forest when you are between the trees. Hiring an executive business consultant makes it possible for you to strategize with a professional who has the 40,000 foot high view your business. You need not to use the typically painful trial and error approach with which you may end up wasting years trying to maneuver your business growth based on your minimal experience. Fast growing companies hire a business coach because business consulting services help them work smarter and to save them unnecessary stress and pain, in addition to helping them grow their businesses easier and faster.
The other reason why fast growing businesses hire business consulting services is that as a business owner, you don't have anyone else to talk to about your decisions. If you are the President and business owner, you have numerous important decisions to make every week but you may not have anyone to share out ideas with. It is rather lonely at the top, but this does not have to be your story. This is the reason why so many leaders of fast growing companies choose to hire a small business coach or a bottom line coach. When growing your business, there's a lot at stake and you not only need a sounding board, but also a feedback from an expert.
While being your own boss has its advantages, it also comes at a price. You need an executive coach to help you get out of your own way.