5 Simple To Implement Ideas That Can Generate More Clients And Money For Your Business.
by Chris Makell
Let's get started generating so much more for your business, easily…
1. Offer a one-time combo deal
The idea here is to take a product and pair it with another that gives it a boost. For example, pair an EBook and audio/video program; like a fine wine and cheese. Or include a program that delivers more than you could fit into a current product and make the product a bonus.
2. Create a partnership and host a 3 or 6 week - short term program
Here's an example. If you are a graphic designer and you partner with a website designer to host a program where you give "design" tips for a target market (like health coach, virtual assistant, authors, speakers)
3. Contact former clients and offer an "exclusive" program/product/service
Create a follow on "maintenance" program and propose it to your former clients to re-energize their lives or business at a "former client" price!
4. Host a one day live event
Offer a "mastery" program where the participants get to "complete" a project, program or product by the end of the day with you. This is far more valuable and meaty for the investment of time, money and energy!
5. Get out, get out, and get out some more! (Get it?)
Go to events that you had never considered before. Chamber events, Mom's clubs, comedy clubs, amusement parks like Disney (yes, your clients may need some fun like you do!) and let people ask you casually what you do and who you do it for!
Each one of these ideas has the seed of opportunity within it. It just takes getting over the initial fright or concern to getting busy, that stops you. All you need do is to stand tall and shout, "I'm going for it!" This is the easiest way to move the fear out and bring on the champion you are!
Getting focused and started is sometimes the hardest part. And it's usually because you're focused on the "how" to do it. Now you have some simple actions to take that will yield big results.